Published: 27th of November, 2022 by Patrick Carpen
Last updated: November 27, 2022 at 21:14 pmBrazil is flooded with rivers strewn thick with giant anacondas. These formidable predators lurk in wet savannahs, slow flowing rivers, treetops, forests, etc. They sometimes burrow underground, and we have a video of one of those too!
People all over the world are afraid of the dreadful anaconda, and there are many tragic stories of people who were killed by this demonic creature all over Brazil. The anaconda is frightening and treacherous. It can swim under the water almost without a sound, and then launch a sudden attack on its prey.
In Brazil, the anaconda is called the “succuri.” Here, we have a video of a girl playing with an anaconda. She wraps it around her body and plays with it! What is more amazing than Brazil and its amazing people!
Brazilian girl plays with Anaconda. Is she crazy or brave?
She says: People, it’s the first time I’m here with an Anaconda! Lol. And it’s squeezing my throat. Lol. Look how cool it is! LOL
Video Source: Mato Grosso e Nossa